
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our girls have spent the last two weeks ministering and serving different parts of the community in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Ministry looked different almost every day – some days were spent weeding the community garden, some helping Black Mountain Home for Children get ready for their Fall Festival, others painting rooms at summer camps, some scraping wallpaper off church walls.

Going into these two weeks I expected to see the Lord’s hand most evidently in the ways we were serving, yet over our time there I saw the Lord reveal even more in me as well as the  fruit of what’s happening around me. Each day I spent time with the Lord I would feel him kindly and gently leading me into a season of reflection, a season where he is patiently walking with me and revealing shadows and parts in my mind that need to be recognized; recognized that they might be exposed by the light, exposed that they might become light. 

“But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” Ephesians 5v13 

In this the Lord enabled me these last two weeks to pause and embrace the importance of being aware of how our subconscious minds affect our conscious relationships with others & relationships with him. He reminded me that the parts of ourselves that we are blind to are often the parts that have most authority over us. Yet he doesn’t leave us alone to resolve our own issues, but he graciously walks with us through them. He cares for us so deeply that he desires for us to be freed from the patterns of this world, to be renewed by his loving character. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12v2

This is a process he wants to walk out with all of us, not to remind us of the dark parts of ourselves, but instead to turn them into light in order for us to receive the fullness of joy he desires us to have.

The God I serve is patient and caring and pursuing and I am excited to continue to believe this deeper and tell of his character all my life and into our next countries. Speaking of which, we leave for Cambodia in four days! As we begin to travel and start our stay in our first country I ask for prayers of safety, rest, and abiding! I am very excited to see all the opportunities the Lord has in store for us in the next few months and share of his goodness!

4 responses to “What the Lord taught me in North Carolina!”

  1. Maura,
    Your reflections are beautiful and I love reading about the many ways the Lord works in your life! You have such a mighty journey ahead and through the good and bad times….He is good! Wishing you and your beautiful team the very best in Cambodia and will be praying for safety, great health, and the most amazing time shining the love of Christ to all you encounter! Can’t wait for your next update!!!
    Much love,
    Amy Croom

  2. So encouraging to hear how the Lord is walking with you during this journey! I will be praying for you all as you travel to Cambodia and beyond!

  3. PRAYING FOR YOU MAURA….PAPA and Nana Winfield I’ve surendered you to Jesus to protect and care for You…. to wrap HIS ARM’S around You…..we LOVE YOU SO MUCH…wating to see You and the Changes GOD HAS DONE IN YOUR LIFE. .

  4. So glad you had time in NC for reflection. It is in these times when our minds and hearts are open that God can shed His light on any dark spots in our lives.