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Bethesda: “house of mercy” + “house of grace”

In John 5 we see Jesus heal a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years, lying near a healing pool, “Bethesda”, and striving to be cured.

“When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

Then Jesus said to him “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.” John 5v6-9

Our team was awestruck by how Jesus’ authority & power live in unity with his mercy & grace. He is one hundred percent of both power and love. In him we see that kindness and authority are not mutually exclusive, but rather used perfectly when used together. 

As a team this year we will get to live this out together in every mission-field and every circumstance. These are the sweetest girls and could not be more grateful to do life and ministry with them. 


My Team!

Esther (Our team leader!) – Cummings, GA

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Taught me that being in leadership does not mean being above or higher up than the women I’m leading. It means encouraging them when they feel at their lowest and pointing them back to what the Father says about them. To point them back to who they are. His daughters. His beloved.”

I’m excited to:

“See this squad to get to experience cultural awareness, that’s something that I found incredible value on my race. I’m also looking forward to the women to step into what it looks like to be sisters to their brothers and for the men to step into what it looks like to be brothers to their sisters on this squad.”

Prayers for:

“The desire to perform and be a leader I’m not. That I will remember to fix my eyes on Him and His desires and love for me over trying to fix my eyes on my perception of what being a good leader looks like.”


Alexa – Fort Worth, TX

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Taught me to be open to so much new and how to not put God in a box.” 

I’m excited to:

“See other cultures through the lense of Jesus.”

Prayers for: 

“Hunger for more of the Spirit and heaviness for the lost people yet joy and peace in the sovereignty of God!”


Yeye – Junction City, OR

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Taught me that forgiveness makes you look more like Jesus.”

I’m excited to: “Watch our faith grow and emerge in other cultures.”

Prayers for:

“Discernment in Him and a sense of peace everywhere we enter!”


Analise – Katy, TX 

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and consider how much I am willing to give up for His glory.”

I’m excited to: “Go serve God’s children and meet them where they are at while learning about their culture!”

Prayers for: “Consistency in seeking God’s word and to have more of an open heart and mind to everything we are learning!”


Libby – Hot Springs, AR

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Taught me so much about seeking out His presence, but also finding joy in just waiting in His stillness.”

I’m excited to:

“Just love others. To know Jesus is to love His creation, and love it well. I can’t wait!”

Prayers for:

“The continued yearning for the Holy Spirit.”


Remy – Austin, TX

During training camp the Lord has: 

“Broken down my walls and stubbornness by penetrating me with His Word!”

I am excited to:

“Grasp and understand how to live out the greatest commandment as Jesus would.”

Prayers for:

“Clarity for my mind; that I don’t stray away from the Father’s love!”

2 responses to “Our Team Name: Bethesda!”

  1. Love you and Love your team!! God is going to do amazing things through you all!!

  2. You gals look amazing and all in the name of Jesus! I can’t imagine a greater job than witnesses and helping others in the name of Jesus Christ! Maura, you are beautiful!